The president's constitutional roles have expanded in practice to be more powerful than the Founder Fathers intended. These roles include Chief Executive and Commander in Chief.
George Roger Clark captured territory that expanded America to the north and west. He was known as the "Conqueror of the Old Northwest."
Andrew Jackson expanded presidential power by using the veto more often. Before him, presidents only used the veto if they believed a bill passed by Congress to be unconstitutional and issued few vetoes. Jackson vetoed bills that he believed were bad for the country and so very vetoed many more. He also stood up to the Supreme Court and sometimes ignored their decisions.
Answer this question… Expanded civil liberties
The Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments expanded suffrage.
James K. Polk (term 1845-1849)
George Washington expanded the powers of the president when he ordered military to go and fight Indians in the west with out approval from Congress. He would often make decisions about fighting the Indians and would inform Congress only after the fact.
Washington's first Congress began with 59 representatives and expanded to 64 after NC and RI ratified the Constitution. His last Congress had 106 House seats.
In reality, the Monroe Doctrine expanded on the foreign policy of Washington. Washington wanted the British to stay out of the Western Hemisphere. Monroe wanted all foreign powers to stay out.
Expanded form shows a number expanded into a statement involving addition. In this instance:3.062 = 3 + 0.06 + 0.002.
Expanded form shows the number expanded into an addition statement. Therefore, 409,720 is written in expanded form as follows: 400,000 + 9,000 + 700 + 20
Expanded form shows a number expanded into an addition statement. e.g. 235 = 200 + 30 + 5 e.g. 4.97 = 4 + 0.9 + 0.07
As the name implies, there are 10 teams in the Pac-10 Conference. The teams, and their locations, are: University of Arizona - Tuscon, Arizona Arizona State University - Tempe, Arizona University of California - Berkeley, California University of Southern California - Los Angeles, California University of California-Los Angeles - Los Angeles, California Stanford University - Palo Alto, California University of Oregon - Eugene, Oregon Oregon State University - Corvallis, Oregon University of Washington - Seattle, Washington Washington State University - Pullman, Washington
Theodore Roosevelt was essentially the first modern president for the reasons that he used and expanded the powers of his office to tend to the needs of Americans during the early 20th century.