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they had to mant things included the governments.

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Q: What problems identified in the Declaration would have to be corrected for governments created after American independence to be legitimate?
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Why did George Washington not sign the Declaration of Independence?

George Washington was making preprations for battle.

What ways does the declaration reflect France's specific problems and crises?

The declaration establishes the principles of society that will be the basis of the new legitimacy, ending the principles, institutions and practices of the Old Regime: "The principle of all sovereignty lies essentially in the nation." The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen considers legitimate the revolt of the deputies against the absolute monarchy, when declaring as the indispensable right of the man the "resistance to the oppression".

Causes of revolts?

People revolt because they are unhappy with their social and economic situation and feel that the existing government has no interest in responding to their legitimate complaints and reasonable requests for reform. Once they begin to feel helpless under a particular regime, they realize that the only way to redress their complaints is to eliminate the existing government and replace it with one that will respond. That means revolution. This is why the Declaration of Independence stated that governments are instituted to secure the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and that whenever governments become destructive of those ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish that government and institute a new one that shall seem more likely to serve that purpose.

Authority is power that is:?

Recognized as legitimate

Does Tecumseh believe that Harrison's claim to the authority are legitimate?

Tecumseh did not believe Harrison when he said he was the end of the authority. He did not think the claims he made were legitimate ones.

Related questions

What did the US Declaration of Independence accomplish?

The Declaration of Independence separated the United States from Great Britain. This meant that the elected governments of the states were the only legitimate ones, and that the Continental Congress was the legal government of the colonies as a whole.

Why is the declaration of independence is an important document?

The document said that we were a country and we were free of Great Britain's rule.

Describe connections between the Declaration of Independence and the second principle social contract.?

The Declaration of Independence expresses the idea that governments must derive their power from the consent of the governed. This aligns with the second principle of the social contract theory, which is that individuals agree to be governed in exchange for protection of their natural rights. Both emphasize the importance of individual rights and the role of consent in forming a legitimate government.

What signer of the Declaration of Independence is the descandent of Reese Witherspoon?

The word here would be 'ancestor'. Reese Witherspoon claims to be a descendant of John Witherspoon but she is in error. According to 'The Descendants of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence, Vol. 3' the last male Witherspoon in John's lineage was born in 1924 therefore negating Reese's claim to direct descent. Similar surnames do not make legitimate claims for direct descendancy.

What is the philosophy that inspired the Declaration of Independence?

That all people are neturally equal and therefor neturally entitled to the same fundamental rights. Because people are imperfect they require government to establish an orderly society but the proper function of government is to guarantee their rights. Since the rights inher in the people they are the ones who can jundge how their rights can best be protected. Therefor governments are only legitimate when they have the consent of the people being governed and the people have the right to withdraw that consent and change their government if they think their rights are threatened. Read the declaration itself. Jeffersons words are far better than mine. Michael Montagne

Why did George Washington not sign the Declaration of Independence?

George Washington was making preprations for battle.

Did the North ever declare war on the South in 1861?

A declaration of war would imply that the Confederacy was a legitimate nation. No declaration of war was made. The secession was termed as a 'rebellion.'

Governments exercise legitimate power?

that power is collectively recognized by society as legally and morally correct. authority

What was the name of the first national government in the United States?

The "United States of America" based on-the "Articles of Confederation," and also connected with the Declaration of Independence, wherein we declared our problems with Britain, and separation from same...and insisted on the legitimate basis of govenment as the will of the people, not the prerogatives of a king...or arbitrary rule by a foreign power.

What was the name of the first written national government in the United states?

The "United States of America" based on-the "Articles of Confederation," and also connected with the Declaration of Independence, wherein we declared our problems with Britain, and separation from same...and insisted on the legitimate basis of govenment as the will of the people, not the prerogatives of a king...or arbitrary rule by a foreign power.

What to Thomas Jefferson why are governments created?

" The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government."

What is a modern day issue aside from education that Jean Jacques Rousseau would have addressed?

There are a lot of modern day issues that Rousseau through his writings would address today. First would be the fact that governments are destroying liberties without the consent of the governed, and secondly would be the fact that governments are actively waging war to make a "legitimate" government that will never be legitimate.