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Their rank was general

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Q: What rank was held by both Hayes and Garfield?
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Which US Presidents have served in the army?

George Washington and James Monroe served in the Continental Army. Jefferson, Madison, Buchanan, Lincoln, Arthur and Polk served in the State Militia. Jackson, Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Harrison, McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Reagan served in the US Army. Kennedy,Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and George H. W. Bush served in the Navy. George W. Bush was in the Texas Air National Guard. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Van Buren, Cleveland, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Clinton had no military service. Andrew Jackson served in both the Continental and the US Army.

Which US presidents served as generals prior to their elections?

There are different kinds of generals-- brigadier generals, major general, etc, and there are regular army and home guard, state militia appointments. That said, Presidents Washington, W. H. Harrison, Jackson,Taylor, Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, B..Harrison and Eisenhower all had the right to be called general at some time before they were President.

What presidents had the highest military rank?

Given that the highest rank possible in the US Military is Commander-in-Chief, and that the Commander-in-Chief is the President, they all held the highest rank possible. THE ABOVE answer I found here is incorrect. The Commander-in-Chief position is civilian, not military. The whole point of making the president C-in-C is to have civilian control of the military, unlike in other countries in the 18th century whose military did not answer to the government. The president is not a member of the military. I am told George Washington was the only six star general in history (before being president, of course), but I have not checked.

Did President Garfield die in office?

He was shot by Charles J. Guiteau on 2 July 1881 and died on 19 September 1881. The 20th President of the United States James A. Garfield was assassinated. President Garfield was shot on July 2, 1881, and died 2 months later on September 19, 1881. His Vice President, Chester A. Arthur, became President

What is a higher rank Chief Operations Officer or Vice President?

In the US government the President is higher, but in a company the CEO is the highest. In order to clarify this it should be noted that the office of CEO does not exist in the US Government. Also, in the business world a person can be both the CEO, Chief Executive Officer and President.

Related questions

What rank was held by Rutherford B. Hayes?

President Rutherford B. Hayes attained the rank of major general.

Who were Three us presidents who served civil war?

The US Presidents who were Civil War veterans who saw combat action were Grant, Hayes, Garfield and McKinley. Andrew Johnson has military rank as the military governor of Tennessee and Arthur was a supply officer in a non-combat position. Fillmore had a sort of honorary position in the home guard.

Which US Presidents have served in the army?

George Washington and James Monroe served in the Continental Army. Jefferson, Madison, Buchanan, Lincoln, Arthur and Polk served in the State Militia. Jackson, Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Harrison, McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Reagan served in the US Army. Kennedy,Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and George H. W. Bush served in the Navy. George W. Bush was in the Texas Air National Guard. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Van Buren, Cleveland, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Clinton had no military service. Andrew Jackson served in both the Continental and the US Army.

Which presidents were generals in wars and which wars?

Revolutionary War : Washington War of 1812: Jackson, William Harrison Mexican War : Taylor, Pierce, (Grant fought but was not yet a general ) Civil War: Grant, Hayes, Garfield, B. Harrison, (A. Johnson & Arthur held rank of general in non-combat service ) W W I : (Eisenhower fought but was not yet a general) W W II : Eisenhower

The highest rank in the caste system is held by?

held by the muslims

Who is the highest rank officer in the Nigeria NAVY and what is his rank held?

Admiral of the fleet

Why was James A. Garfield assassinated?

because Charles Guiteau was an insane looney. He was mad at the president for not giving him a higher rank. Charles thought that he helped Garfield win the election of 1880.

Four presidents that fought in the civil war?

Here is the list and their final rank at the end of the war. Ulysses S Grant - General-In-Chief Rutherford B Hayes - Major General James A Garfield - Major General Chester A Arthur - Brigadier General (Quartermaster, NY State Militia) - did no fighting Benjamin Harrison - Brigadier General William McKinley - Major Andrew Johnson did not do any fighting but held army rank while serving as military governor of occupied Tennessee.

If two soldiers have the same rank who out ranks who?

Date of rank determines the seniority, the one who has held the rank longest.

What rank was siegfried sassoon?

Siegfried Sassoon held the rank of captain during World War I. After the war, he was promoted to the rank of major.

What rank was Garfield in the Civil War?

He entered the army as a lieutenant colonel. He was later promoted to brigadier general and then to major general.

What union general became president?

Ulysses S. Grant was the commander of the union army when the war ended and so became famous and popular for his part in winning the war. He was elected President in 1968 and served for two terms. Grant was a West Point graduate and a professional soldier for many years.Other future presidents also held war-time commissions in the army. James Garfield became a major general . Rutherford Hayes and Benjamin Harrisonrose to some form of general by the time the war ended. Chester Arthur was in supply and did not fight but held the rank of general at one time . Andrew Johnson was military governor of Tennessee before he ran for vice-president. and was given the rank of general.