George Washington and James Monroe served in the Continental Army.
Jefferson, Madison, Buchanan, Lincoln, Arthur and Polk served in the State Militia.
Jackson, Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Pierce, Andrew Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Harrison, McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and Reagan served in the US Army.
Kennedy,Lyndon Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter and George H. W. Bush served in the Navy.
George W. Bush was in the Texas Air National Guard.
John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Van Buren, Cleveland, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Clinton had no military service.
Andrew Jackson served in both the Continental and the US Army.
find a counterexample to the statement all us presidents have served only one term to show statement is false
George Washington is the president that appointed the most Supreme Court Justices. There have been only seven US Presidents that served only one term.
Only one and that was Franklin Roosevelt.
He is a Vietnam Era Veteran.
5 served in the Continental Congress 15 Served as Senators 19 Served in the House of Representives Some served as members of two of the above at different times. Example: John Tyler was a member of the House of Representives from 1816 to 1821 and was a Senator from 1827 to 1836.
US Presidents do not have to have served in the military in order to be elected.
There were 25 US presidents who never served in the Senate.
Most notable was Harry S. Truman who served with the Missouri Army National Guard during WW1.
All the US presidents that served before 1956 or after April 1975.
i know Woodrow Wilson did
Actually many future Presidents were commanded by Presidents. Example: JF Kennedy served in the Navy under Roosevelt and Trueman (Who served in the Army under Wilson). LB Johnson served in the Navy under FDR, George HW Bush served in the Navy under FDR & Trueman. Many of the Presidents served in the military and took orders from the Presidents in office.
Democratic US Presidents with military service were Andrew Jackson (Army), James K. Polk (Tennessee state militia), Franklin Pierce (Army), James Buchanan (Army), Andrew Johnson (Army), Harry S. Truman (Army), John F. Kennedy (Navy), Lyndon B. Johnson (Navy), and Jimmy Carter (Navy).
John F. Kennedy served in the US Navy, not Army.
None of the US presidents served in the Marine Corps.
Presidents can only serve for 2 terms. 4 years are in a term.
To find the average number of years served by all US presidents up to 1997, divide the age of the nation in 1997 by the number of US presidents to 1997. This calculation will provide the average number of years served by each president.