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Q: What spurred the greatest increase in US Government intelligence activities?
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Which is not a cause for the increase in leisure activities?

The current economic demand is not a cause for the increase in the leisure activities.

Can reading increase one's fluid intelligence?

No. Extra knowledge will accrue but ur ability to solve problems (fluid intelligence) will not change. If u want to increase ur fluid intelligence play the dual n back game.

Does increase mean to go least to greatest or greatest to least?

least to greatest

What personality traits tend to increase with age?

intelligence and understanding ability tends to increase with age.

Is intelligence inborn?

Yes. You may train your intelligence, but not increase it.

How do you increase your intelligence in Oblivion?

You can increase Intelligence permanently by the Intense Training perk, or by getting the Intelligence implant at the New Vegas Medical Centre. You can increase it temporarily by consuming Mentats.

Does eating food before a test increase your intelligence?

No, but studying does.

Which reason was responsible for the greatest increase in population?

Natural Increase.

Is revenue the gross increase in equity from a company's earning activities?

Yes, revenue is the gross increase in equity from a company's earning activities.

What book can Increase intelligence?

Any book can increase your intelligence - reading is very good for your brain! Fiction books are especially good because you have to use your imagination, but textbooks and nonfiction are also good for teaching you things.

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increase of agriculture activities

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heart rate