Newspapers were published, books written, handbills passed out.
They favored no slavery. They wished to "abolish" slavery. Hence the term abolitionists.
The use of nontraditional military tactics helped the patriots defeat the British. The British were not accustomed to the guerrilla tactics and were taken by surprise.
Because abolitionists are fighting for abolitionism which is the movement to end slavery. Reformers such as Dorothea Dix were fighting for the insane who were being mistreated. So in a way abolitionists are reformers but they are fighting to end slavery.
Abolitionists used a variety of tactics to combat slavery, including public lectures, written publications, petitions, legal challenges, and direct action such as aiding escaped slaves and participating in the Underground Railroad. They also organized boycotts of goods produced by slave labor and worked to change public opinion on the immorality of slavery.
Why do I use tactics? Well, because tactics are better than brute force.
Southerners often reacted to abolitionists with anger and hostility, viewing them as a threat to their way of life and property rights. Some resorted to violence or intimidation tactics to silence abolitionist voices in the South.
Such works went beyond white abolitionists, arguing for race consciousness
What kind of war tactics did who use?
Mainly Blitzkreig tactics
tactics are a use of good skills that you use in any type of sport to be able to win something e.g. a football match people use tactics to get past there oponents
That was Japanese occupied territory, therefore they had use what all occupied countries had to use, guerrilla tactics. When you don't have an army to fight with, you use guerrilla tactics.
what are three tactics advertisers use to promote a drug such as liquor
the roundheads didnt have any tactics at alll