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Q: What topic are the southern states most concerned about upholding during the constitutional convention?
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Which best represents the view of the Southern delegates at the Constitutional Convention?

Blacks should be given the right to vote.

Which compromises at the Constitutional Convention please the Southern states Why?

The Three-Fifths Compromise counted three-fifths of the state's slaves in apportioning Representatives. The compromise ended up giving the southern states 38 percent of the seats in the Continental Congress.

What three compromises about slavery kept southern delegates from walking out of the constitutional convention?

There was only one compromise regarding slavery and it was the three-fifths compromise which stated that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person for purposes of assigning House of Representative seats. Another compromise during the Constitutional convention was the Great compromise which created a bicameral legislature and the creation of the electoral college for Presidential elections.

Who was the chairman of the constitutonal convention?

George Washington was voted in as the chairman of the Constitutional convention. He became unhappy with the position because of the arguments between large and small populated states or northern free states and southern slave states. He also had to stay quiet or neutral with any remarks so he would not be accused of using his position to sway the vote on any contorversy. Thank goodness for Roger Sherman of Connecticut who came up with the Great Compromise. Three major compromises allowed the constitutional convention to conclude to the ratification process. "Father of the U.S. Contitution was a young delegate from Virginia named James Madison, who later will be voted in as the fourth President of the United States.

What was the three fifths comprimise?

The Three Fifths Compromise is one of the most controversial parts and outcomes of the Constitutional Convention. For the allocation of seats in the US House of Representatives, a black person counts for three fifths of a white person.

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One of the compromises made between northern southern state during the constitutional convention of 1787 concerned?

counting slaves in the population

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Which best represents the view of the Southern delegates at the Constitutional Convention?

Blacks should be given the right to vote.

Was Virginia part of the North or the South during the Constitutional Convention?

Virginia was a Southern Colony, and became and will forever be a member of the Southern States of the USA.

What did northern an southern states disagree over the most at the Constitutional Convention?

The northern and southern states had two major disagreements at the convention. The North disagreed with the use of slaves, and the South disagreed how people were elected to office.

In what way did the southern states try to gain more power during the Constitutional Convention?

they got more bamba in yerushalayim

What did At the Constitutional Convention delegates from northern and southern states disagreed about?

D. whether the federal government should have the power to regulate slavery.

Why did Southern delegates to the Constitutional Convention not support Congress' power to regulate trade?

They were afraid Congress might try to end Slavery or the Slave trade

What year was the southern baptist convention organized?

Southern Baptist Convention was created in 1845.

With what is aunt Alexandria most preoccupied?

Aunt Alexandra is most preoccupied with the Finch family's reputation and how they are perceived by the community. She is concerned with upholding social status and adhering to traditional Southern values and expectations.

When was Southern Baptists of Texas Convention created?

Southern Baptists of Texas Convention was created in 1998.

When was California Southern Baptist Convention created?

California Southern Baptist Convention was created in 1940.