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The Antitrust legislation and Deregulation. Soure: Economics student..

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Q: What two methods do the federal government use to keep busienesses competititve?
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Continue Learning about American Government

Which methods does Madison suggest to check the powers of government?

By dividing government into branches and sounding state and federal government.

Which methods does Madison suggest to check the p powers of government?

dumb methods

What was put into place to prevent unfair methods of competition?

The Federal Trade Commission.

Which plan favored a strong central government?

To a very limited degree the Federalists actually preferred to have a "strong" central government. Many opponents to the federalists argued the point of danger inherent with placing so much power in the hands of so few so far away from the people that they were to represent. No "Party" in and of itself actually supported a centralized federal government although there were many individuals that did as well as many more that feared the constitution would give the federal government would illegally usurp that power. One of the methods for preventing this was the addition of the tenth amendment into the Constitution within the Bill of Rights. The Tenth amendment declared that the powers of the federal government were few and well defined and that any powers not specifically granted to the federal government by nature, reverted to the States and to the people.

How have the four methods of amending the constitution affected the executive branch?

Article 5 of the U.S. Constitution states the amendment process. In Marbury v. Madison (1803) the Supreme Court declared that the federal courts had the power to nullify actions of the national government if found to be in conflict with the Constitution which informally changes through social, cultural, and legal ways affecting how the Executive Branch formulates policy in its interacts with the other branches. - See more at:

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What methods does the federal government use to keep business competitive?

the purose of the communication skills.

Which methods does Madison suggest to check the powers of government?

By dividing government into branches and sounding state and federal government.

What do federal income taxes fund?

Any and every expense of the Federal government with the exception of the small amount paid for from other funding methods like interest received.

How have the four informal methods of amending the constitution to be amending the constitution affected the role of the executive branch in the federal government?

read the book

How effectively did progressivism manifest itself in national politics on the federal level of government?

it did because the progress of new mechanics and new methods of doing things came about.

What are the methods of that methods have been used to control floods in Bangladesh?

well they have the government for that

Which methods does Madison suggest to check the p powers of government?

dumb methods

Who funded the creation of the internet?

The basic infrastructure of the internet was a Federal project that was built by the US military as a communications system. This it later abandoned and it soon became a privately run communications system, to a large extent. The US military no longer uses it for its original purpose. The Federal government, however, has found methods to monitor the activities that are done on the Internet.

What are the methods of judicial selection for federal appellate judges state appellate judges and state trial court judges?

The methods of judicial selection for federal appellate judges state appellate and state trial judges

What was put into place to prevent unfair methods of competition?

The Federal Trade Commission.

Which plan favored a strong central government?

To a very limited degree the Federalists actually preferred to have a "strong" central government. Many opponents to the federalists argued the point of danger inherent with placing so much power in the hands of so few so far away from the people that they were to represent. No "Party" in and of itself actually supported a centralized federal government although there were many individuals that did as well as many more that feared the constitution would give the federal government would illegally usurp that power. One of the methods for preventing this was the addition of the tenth amendment into the Constitution within the Bill of Rights. The Tenth amendment declared that the powers of the federal government were few and well defined and that any powers not specifically granted to the federal government by nature, reverted to the States and to the people.

Why is it necessary to make changes in the constitution by methods in addition to formal amendment?

It isn't. Amendments are the only 'legal' way to make changes to the Constitution. Changes by other methods, including aberrant and tortured reasoning or interpretations by any governmental branch are usurpations (stealing) by the federal government of powers belonging to the states and the people.