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Before Napoleon ruled, France was governed by its Monarchy. After the fall of Napoleon in 1815, in which he was exiled from the country, the monarchy regained its position. The king during this time was Louis XVIII.

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It is usually called the First French Empire and was technically a Republic from 1801-1808 and was later formalised as an empire, with Napoleon at its head, from 1808-1815.

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Q: What type of Government did France have after the fall of Napoleon in 1815?
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Which of the following describes a political similarity between France before and after the fall of Napoleon?

Just after the Revolution, France had a representative form of government. After Napoléon rose to power, he became emperor

What is the holly alliance?

the holy alliance, also termed the slavic allaince, was between Russia, austria, and Prussia. it was startted in 1815 after the fall of napoleon. the negotiator of the league was russia. the reason of its creation was to purify Europe and destroy a former alliance including France,Spain, and Britain.

Who wanted separate the church and state?

In France, the leaders of the French Revolution and after them, Napoleon; in Turkey, Kemal Atatürk, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire; in the USA, Thomas Jefferson.

What were the causes for the fall of the second French empire?

The second French empire dates from 1852 to 1870. Under Napoleon III, there existed the successful appearance of a democratic nation. In reality it was a dictatorship enforced by Napoleon's secret police. Discontent set in when people began speaking out about the true fabric of the government. In addition: A. People feared that the French government's aid to Italy's unification was a threat to Church's control of the Papal States; B. There was nationalist discontent with the failure of France's attempt to put Mexico into the empire and at least place Mexico in France's sphere of influence. The early attempt at success soon failed when the United States army was placed on the Mexican border and basically told France to end its efforts there or face war. The nationalists felt humiliated by the government's embarrassment there; and C. Napoleon III made the fatal error of contesting Prussian power & lost in the Franco - Prussian War. Napoleon was actually taken prisoner. French republicans took advantage of this and declared an end to the second French empire.

Under which category does this Constitutional Amendment fall No lodging troops in private homes in peace time?

Protection from the Federal Government.

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When was the fall of Napoleon 1?

Napoleon fell at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, 1815.

Who was the leader of France during the fall of France?

Napoleon Bonaparte

What type of government did napoleon set up in France?

It had a parliamentary democracy with a chamber of deputies and a senate, a President and a Prime Minister with an associated cabinet of ministers as it did before the First World War

The government that emerged in France after Robespierre's fall from power was the?

The Directorate (5 members). This became the Consulate (with Napoleon as First Consul), and then the Empire.

What were the dates of Napoleon's Rise and Fall?

The rise was on Dec. 25, 1799, when Napoleon had been acclaimed First Consul. The fall was on June 22, 1815, four days after the battle of Waterloo, when Napoleon formally abdicated from the throne in favour of his son, the King of Rome.

Which of the following describes a political similarity between France before and after the fall of Napoleon?

Just after the Revolution, France had a representative form of government. After Napoléon rose to power, he became emperor

Is there a queen in Paris France?

The monarchial system of France was abolished after the fall of Emperor Napoleon III in 1870.

What two forces helped to bring Napoleon Bonaparte's empire to a end?

Napoleon Bonaparte's empire came to an end in 1815. The two forces for this fall in power were the Britain and Russian military forces.

What is the holly alliance?

the holy alliance, also termed the slavic allaince, was between Russia, austria, and Prussia. it was startted in 1815 after the fall of napoleon. the negotiator of the league was russia. the reason of its creation was to purify Europe and destroy a former alliance including France,Spain, and Britain.

What has the author Michael V Leggiere written?

Michael V. Leggiere has written: 'The fall of Napoleon' -- subject(s): Campaigns, History, Military leadership, Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815

Who seized power in France after the fall of the Jacobin government?

Napoléon Bonaparte took control of France in November 1799.After the coup d'état of 18 Brumaire (9-10 November 1799) a new form of government took the place of Directory. It was called the Consulate and was set up of three Consuls: Cambacères, Lebrun and Napoleon Bonaparte. Soon Bonaparte was recognized as First Consul and virtually took the control of France.

What was the second republic in France?

The second Republic was the regime which replaced monarchy after the French revolution of 1848. In 1815, following the fall of Napoleon, the monarchy was restored. A revolution in 1830 resulted in a change of King, but the 1848 saw the definitive overthrow of monarchy in France.However, the second Republic was short-lived, as Napoleon's nephew, Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte, seized power and changed the regime for a second empire in 1852.