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Independent city-states ruled by their own kings

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Q: What type of government was practiced in Sumer?
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the people of sumer practiced polytheism the worship of many gods

What religion was practiced in Sumer?

they believed in gods

What type of similarities did the sumer and babylonians have in government?

partial empire

What did the people of Sumer practice to worship many gods?

the people of sumer practiced polytheism the worship of many gods

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In egypt, there were pharaohs, and in Sumer there were kings and queens

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Where was Paganism founded?

It is not known where neo-paganism was founded but it was practiced as far back as in Sumer, the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires era. Which is around 3500 B.C. but may have been practiced before then.

Sumer advances in government?

Started trade and strong military.

Is there a list of sumer inventions?

Writing, paper, government, the alphabet

Where was neo-paganism founded?

It is not known where neo-paganism was founded but it was practiced as far back as in Sumer, the Akkadian, Babylonian and Assyrian empires era. Which is around 3500 B.C. but may have been practiced before then.

What are two examples of the complex institutions of the civilization at sumer?

religion and government