The Green Party is a USA political party in the USA and I believe it has "partner" parties in other nations as well. In the United States, the Green Party can be termed a party whose emphasis is on environmental issues. This party tries to protect the environment and lobbies for laws to protect endangered species and even the trees located in the major rain forests.
Green Party
The Green Party foundation is based on mutual benefits for all.
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The party began as a single-issue party, but has grown to address other issues.
the party is The Green party
The leader of the Green Party is Eamon Ryan.
The Green Party!
Green Party
Yukon Green Party was created on 2011-02-28.
The Green Party
Green Party of Kosovo was created in 1991.
Green Party of Florida was created in 1992.
because their party is called GREEN.
Green Party of California was created in 1991.
Wales Green Party was created in 1973.