The warrior class is a weapon, one wielded by the ruling class, and is often used on their own people to maintain control. On occasion, however, the weapon can be turned on the master, in a coup d'etat.
Tecumseh (1768 - 1813) was a Shawnee war chief who allied Indian tribes of the Midwest to form a powerful coalition against the forces of this United States. This ability to unite the tribes into a cohesive confederacy was Tecumseh's greatest weapon and the principle reason why he was so feared by the Americans. His rise to prominence coincided with the rise of his brother Tenskwatawa, who was regarded as a religious prophet. When the War of 1812 broke out between The US and Great Britain, Tecumseh allied his confederacy with the British Army in Canada and they captured the American garrison at Fort Detroit. Enraged when the British then retreated into what is now Southern Ontario, he convinced the British to stand and fight. At the ensuing battle, now known as the Battle of the Thames, Tecumseh was killed. Without his leadership the conferdeacy was doomed. Tenskwatawa had already fallen from popularity after the disasterous 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe. After the War of 1812 ended in 1815, the British abandoned their Indian allies. What was left of the confederacy fell apart ending the last best hope for the Indians to stem the tide of white settlers onto their land.
Militias were formed as the colonial united states had no standing army due to their young age and inability to support one financially The militias, also called "minute men" often consisted of ramshackle groups of farmers that fought on a minutes notice, hence the name minute men, with whatever weapon nearest by. These Militias angered the British forces as they were not fighting the correct and gentlemanly way; often fleeing from a loosing battle rather than surrendering to the British. So all in all they were formed because of necessity and lack of a home front security system.
Poison gas was the terrifying weapon of World War 1. The V1 Flying Bomb and V2 Rocket were the terrifying weapons of WW2.
If they pass the requirements where they live and register the weapon.
A weapon is an object used in fighting to harm or kill an opponent or enemy.
It affected them because they didn't have any weapon's
The lance.
His weapon was a crowd full of proud blacks fighting for their rights
You have to gather all the needed items to synthesize the Ultima Weapon in the moogles shop.
Among others, SWORD and RIFLE.
-e-p-n weapon
Gloves, knives, sticks or a weapon.
the first nuclear weapon was issued in WW2 created by the americans in a chicargo squash court
No. In the marines, like any other branch of military service, you are assigned a weapon and given ammunition for that particular weapon. You learn to use that weapon. If a marine is fighting in a battle, he can find another weapon and start using it.