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People who work in public services have Parliamentary authority. The authority they hold was given to them through the passing of laws.

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Q: What types of authority are used in the public services?
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How is public services used?

public services are used by the people.

Health services means?

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Who often used when lobbying for an opportunity to provide public services for a city?

not "who", but "what is". the answer is Kickbacks.

When is a formal letter used in the public services?

When i need to see you mum :D

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Money and favors.

Is official a verb?

No, "official" is not a verb. It is an adjective used to describe something that is authorized or approved by an authority.

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A data network is a network that is offered by a telecommunications company for the use of transmitting data services to the general public. These services can be used for transmitting data via a phone etc.

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