is a indentured servant
.An Indentured Servant
Once the servant worked for the full length of their contract.
George Taylor came to America as an indentured servant and signed the declaration.Answernone. indentured servants were considered low people because they were all poorHe had to work to pay for his passage to America.
An indentured servant was a man or woman who - often as a result of heavy debts - sold himself into the service of his creditor to work off his debt. Although the person who did this remained technically a free man, he was not free to refuse to work when and where his boss/creditor decided to put him to work - unpaid of course, since this was how the indentured servant worked off his debt. For many, indentured service was very much akin to slavery.
an indentured servant
being an indentured servant (Google indentured servant colonial times)
yes you do.
Technically an indentured servant serves someone under a contract. The contract may have a limited period of time after which the contract is null.
Technically an indentured servant serves someone under a contract. The contract may have a limited period of time after which the contract is null.
Indentured servant were significant in populating the early Americas. Many of the first colonists gained passage to the colonies as indentured servants.
they die
Stop treating me like an indentured servant!
An indentured servant was a person who signed a contract to work for a set number of years in exchange for passage to a new land, food, clothing, and shelter. They were bound to their master until their contract was completed.
is a indentured servant