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is a indentured servant

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Q: A person who trades labor for passage?
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Who are people willing to sell labor for passage?

A person who trades labor for passage is called

Person who trades labor for passage?

indentured servant

Person who trades labor for passage is called?

.An Indentured Servant

A person who trades labor for passage is called a?

A person who trades labor for passage is called an indentured servant. These individuals would work for a specified period of time in exchange for their transportation to a new location, typically during the period of European colonization of the Americas.

Person passage to north America was paid for in exchange for labor called?

An indentured slave/servant

What year did American federation of labor started as fed of organized trades and labor unions?


Which of these labor organizations collapsed during the depression of 1837?

The National Trades' Union collapsed during the Panic of 1837.

What person sold his or her labor in exchange for passage to America?

indentured slave i got the same questions mid term right....

When was Scottish United Trades Councils labor Party created?

Scottish United Trades Councils Labour Party was created in 1891.

When did Scottish United Trades Councils labor Party end?

Scottish United Trades Councils Labour Party ended in 1893.

When was National Association of United Trades for the Protection of labor created?

National Association of United Trades for the Protection of Labour was created in 1845.

When did National Association of United Trades for the Protection of labor end?

National Association of United Trades for the Protection of Labour ended in 1867.