The capital of Seward's Folly was and is Juneau. Seward's Folly was the name for the purchase made of Alaska for $7 million.
it did not recieve support in congress
Alben Barkley from KY was Truman's Veep.
americas war of independence is also known as the revolutionary war, but that is not what is meant to be called, it is actually the war of indepence.
War of the Austrian succession (1740-1748)
Too busy with Korea at the time.
to end the war
"Seward's Folly" is a nickname for Alaska. The capital of Alaska is Juneau.
The fiery and press-savvy MacArthur
The Folly Theatre had several other names, beginning with the Lowther Rooms.
Seward's Folly.
No. The Praise of Folly was written by Erasmus, some decades before Shakespeare's time.
Trumans Water was created in 1991.
MacArthurs was angry because he favored total war
One source stated that "Truman's Folly" was the Korean War. This may have been in reference to Truman's policy of "not fighting to win", which meant NOT USING THE "BOMB". US Military men who had WON World War Two, used any means available to do it; including the use of "the bomb" (Atomic Bomb). These same men wanted to use it again. The Soviets (Russians) had exploded (tested) their first A-Bomb in 1949; by the time of the Korean War in 1950, the Soviets now had "the bomb." President Truman had the foresight to realize that the world was now in the ATOMIC AGE, and that an Atomic War was not good...for anyone. Some of our military men where abit more traditional...and it took abit longer for the "Mutually Assured Destruction" mentality to sink into their minds. Translation: Truman was correct in not turning Korea into a nuclear war; but he may have been tagged with "Truman's Folly" because of it.
MacArthur was angry because he favored total war <----- NovaNet