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When Crispus was not working at sea he worked as a rope maker in Boston.

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Q: What was Crispus Attucks occupation away from sea?
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What was Crispus Attucks childhood like?

"crispus attucks was born into slavery in framingham, Massachusetts, around 1723. it is believed that attucks was the son of an African-American father and a native American mother. as a young man, attucks escaped slavery by running away to sea." -McDougal Littell

What are some interesting facts about Crispus Attucks?

Crispus attucks was a dock worker and a sea merchant at a very young age then he was born into a slave his mom was indian.

What was crispus attucks education?

There is no known record of whether or not Crispus Attucks had any kind of formal education. It is believed he may have been a slave or worked as a sea merchant. Attucks was the first person to be killed in the Boston Massacre.

Did Crispus Attucks have an education?

According to many historians, Crispus Attucks was born a slave in 1723. As he would have been a slave throughout his childhood, he would not have attended school. He spent much of his life working at sea on whaling ships. He is widely recognized as the first American casualty of the Boston Massacre, and he is accepted as one of the first, if not the first, casualties of the American Revolution itself.

Who is the artist that sings the Air France theme song?

Aswefall Aswefall - "Between Us" lyrics I can see it from miles I can see it in your face Within in the miles That lie between us Away with the sea the sea that lies between you and me the tears they float Away with the sea (gaita) It's in the mirror It's in my eyes Within the miles that lie between us Within the miles that lie between us Away with the sea Away with the sea The tears they float Away with the sea Away with the sea The sea that lies between you and me The tears they float Away with the sea Away with the sea

When was Away from the Sea created?

Away from the Sea was created on 2009-02-09.

What does oceanology mean?

Oceanology refers to the occupation or tasks that a person completes to study and analyze the sea. They study and do research about the sea itself and the fish and animals that are in the sea.

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they are being riden away by sea muscles, your welcome they are being riden away by sea muscles, your welcome

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long line fishing boats bering sea!

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Andrew and his brother Peter made their living as fishermen on the Sea of Galilee.

What was Andrew's occupation?

Andrew and his brother Peter made their living as fishermen on the Sea of Galilee.

What year United States invades Mexico by sea?

Last time the US invaded Mexico by sea was during The Occupation of Veracruz, in 1914.