James Oglethorpe
The first colony established in New England was the Plymouth Plantation, established at Plymouth near Cape Cod.
This colony could protect the other British colonies from Spanish attack. Great Britain had been at war in the early 1700's. Georgia would serve as a military barrier.
James Oglethorpe persuaded King George II that England needed a buffer between South Carolina and Spanish Florida, and so the King signed the charter creating the colony of Georgia in 1732. Georgia was the first new British colony in North America in more than 50 years.
Georgia. They did not send a representative to meet in the first continental congress.
The Georgia colony was established as a buffer between Spanish Florida to the south and the English Carolina colonies to the north.
military buffer against the Spanish
a buffer zone against attacks
a buffer zone against attacks
Before it was a colony, it was an unsettled buffer between British America and Spanish America. In 1733, it became its own colony.
A, Georgia.
Yes. James Ogelthorpe created it for people who were in debt.
In British North America at the time of the American Revolution the "buffer colony" was Georgia. The colony was founded for the specific reason of protecting the British colonies north of the Savanah river from Spanish Migration and Invasion from that nations settlements in Florida. It was also a buffer against slaves espcaping from the large and prosperous rice plantations in the South Carolina Low Country to freedom under the domain of Spain. In order to facilitate the growth of the colony thousands of persons were freed from Debtors Prisons in England to populate this colony.
The legal argument that established the guidelines for starting the Georgia colony was the fact that it would serve as a buffer state between the colonies and Spanish Florida.