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At the Potsdam conference in 1945, the leaders of the allied nations (Winston Churchill, Harry S. Truman and Joseph Stalin) decided how post war Europe was to be divided. They also decided how Japan was to be finished off. They agreed that Russia would not interfere with America's war with Japan until a certain date. The US "finished" Japan off before this date with the atomic bomb.

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disribution of Germany territories and eastern Europe at conclusion of ww2

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Q: What was decided at Potsdam?
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World War 2 the conference that decided fate of Germany?

The Potsdam Conference.

What did Allied leaders accomplish during the Potsdam conference?

They decided how to treat Germany after its surrender.

What was the result of the yalta and potsdam conference?

The Allied leaders decided to establish the United Nations.

What Allied leaders accomplish during the Potsdam Conference?

They decided how to treat Germany after its surrender.

What did allied leaders accomplish during Potsdam conference?

They decided how to treat Germany after its surrender.

What did the potsdam meeting result to?

One Result About The Meet Is That They Decided Whether To Divide Germany Into3 or 4 Zones.

What were the agreements at potsdam?

The division of Germany agreed at Yalta was implemented. Nuremberg war crime tribunal was set up. Reparations decided. Denazification.

Why was it decided in Potsdam that certain industries in Germany would be disabled?

to deplete resources that might help prevent Germany from coming to power again

Where is the Potsdam Public Library in Potsdam located?

The address of the Potsdam Public Library is: 2 Park Street, Potsdam, 13676 2099

What is the population of potsdam?

The population of Potsdam - Bezirk - is 1,123,800.

When was Potsdam Giants created?

Potsdam Giants was created in 1675.

When was Nemesis at Potsdam created?

Nemesis at Potsdam was created in 1977.