Not too bad if you had a job on a big estate, with a tied cottage, though you wouldn't get much chance to review your career options. Small farms did not provide much job security, so you were liable to be exploited.
In the later part of the century, peasants were under pressure to become industrial workers. In one way, this was an improvement, with opportunities to learn trades and crafts. But the psychological effects went deep. Working to the rhythm of the machines seemed unnatural, and much of the earlyindustrial unrest could be traced to this feeling of malaise.
In the early 18th century, which was the early 1700s, the only inhabitants in Australia were the indigenous people, the Aborigines. There had been some influence on the northern Aborigines through trading with the Macassans, an Asian group of people who sought sea slugs as a delicacy. However, there had been insufficient contact with Europeans for them to have influenced the aboriginal people.
The land was untouched by Europeans, so the Aborigines were able to live as they had always lived. They hunted, fished and gathered native foods to eat. They were nomadic, moving from region to region as the seasons changed.
The jewelry in the 16th century included gemstones that were cut in smooth and rounded shapes rather than faceted like today's stones. Pearls and ribbon were often used in place of gems and gold. Jewelry was often sewed onto clothing as well.
The Enlightenment spread ideas by one person spreading it.
Enumerated products are colonial products permitted to be exported to limited locations. For example, during the late 17th century and early 18th century, Britain allowed enumerated products to be shipped to places like the West Indies. This trade was usually banned by the Navigation Laws of 1650.
hired professional soldier who fights for any state or nation without regard to political interests or issues. From the earliest days of organized warfare until the development of political standing armies in the mid-17th century, governments frequently supplemented their military forces with mercenaries.
The 27th amendment to the US Constitution is one which states that a member of Congress' salary can't be changed until the next election (meaning essentially that they have to be reelected to get a change, up or down; that is, their salary remains the same over their entire term.) To date, it hasn't been ratified by Massachusetts, Mississippi, Nebraska, New York, and Pennsylvania.
the it was egg-cellent
Lack of a unified political system, easy availability of cheap labour and vast areas full of untapped resources like gold, diamonds, cotton, spices and the like attracted European traders to the subcontinent in the late 16th and early 17th century.
That would be the 20th Century. To figure out centuries, it's always a number up. Like the 1500's is the 16th century, 1600's are the 17th, 1700's are the 18th and so on and so on.
A schooner is a type of sailing vessel first used by the Dutch in the 16th or 17th century. It has fore and aft sails on two or more masts.
No. The 16th century lasted from 1501-1600. The 1700's were during the 18th century (1701-1800)
it was cold in the 17th centery
In the 16th and 17th centuries crimes like whichcrat, theft, vagabonds and rogues were just some of the crimes people committed and were acused of.
The life expectancy of people in the 16th and 17th centuries was significantly lower compared to today. In Europe, the average life expectancy during this time period was around 30-40 years, with high infant mortality rates skewing the numbers. Factors such as poor sanitation, limited medical knowledge, and frequent outbreaks of diseases contributed to the shorter lifespans during that era.
By Mouth or it was written on paper untill Guttenburg Invented the printing press in the 16th-17th century, where philosphers like Luther spread there ideas throughout all of Europe.
1603 is in the seventeenth century. (You might think it should be in the 16th, but the 1600's are in the 17th century is because there was no zero-th century. The first century ran from year 1 to 100. years 101 through 199 are in the second century; years 201 to 299 are in the third century, etc. People like to argue about what century 100,200,300,.. 1600 are in.
It was rainy a not very nice weather and it was very cold most of the time they were wooden ships