Marshall Plan, Truman doctrine and I guess you could include the Eisenhower Doctrine as well.
The Native Americans were promised protection against the 'Americans' but the British couldn't keep that promise because, as you probably know, we were beaten and were 'kicked out' of the country.
On a domestic basis, they passed laws making support of communism basically illegal (the Red Flag Act, for example) and spread a lot of negative propaganda. On an international basis, they invaded countries that had chosen to follow communism, or at least acted hostilely towards them (in the case of Russia) and supported actions by other countries against them.
Marxist idea are the idea mastermind from Marx which support equality for all human being and that it is established to overthrow capitalism and support socialism or communism.
the Truman document is a set of principles of U.S. foreign policy created on March 12, 1947 by president harry s Truman. In this, Truman declared that the United States, as leader of the "free world," must support capitalism worldwide and fight against communism
omg! its........the federal and state! Yeah, and the Constitution.
Truman Doctrine
The US was against communism.
Making Democrats look soft against communism
Making Democrats look soft against Communism.
Yes. The United States attempted to stop the USSR from spreading communism by supplying armaments, financing, and military support to countries on the verge of falling into a communistic government. The Korean Police Action and Vietnamese Conflict were attempts at stopping communism from overtaking the countries of Korea and Vietnam. The United States aided Afghanistan in the ten year war against Russia, which was an effort in keeping communism out of the Middle East.
To my understanding the reason Truman helped the Europeans and Asian countries was because of communism, when countries are weak and poor they fall to communism and he didn't want that.
making Democrats look soft against Communism.
making Democrats look soft against Communism.
they gained popular support by speaking out against communism in the united states
in 1947, the truman doctrine said that we would support "free peoples who are resisting attempter subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures" specifically greece and turkey at that time. he gave those countries $400 million to help fight communism, but the US did not help hungary when they were revolting against communism in 1956.