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It turned a rebellion into a fight for freedom.

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Q: What was the immediate effect of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by Congress?
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What actions revealed that the 1st Continental Congress was preparing for war?

The declaration of independence.....that's all I can think of

What group oversaw the writing and adoption of the declaration of independence on july 4 1776?

The Declaration of Independence was drafted by the Committee of Five of the Continental Congress. The Committee of Five was John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

The Second Continental Congress is responsible for the writing and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress adopted the U.S. Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It met from May 1775 to March 1781 and served as the de facto national government of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War.

The main idea of the section headed The Effects of the Declaration of Independence is that?

the adoption of the Declaration of Independence sparked bitter disunity among the colonists.

What was the most important accomplishment of the Second Continental Congress?

Major achievements of the second continental congressThey established a militia, a group of citizens who were trained as soldiers but not part of a regular Army and participated in rebellious activites.They printed and issued Paper Money to finace the war without taxing their people and starting a rebellion between themselves.Lastly, they hired the best leader they could find, who led them to many victorys and later became a president, George Washington.

Related questions

Which group oversaw the writing and adoption of the declaration of independence on july4 1776?

Second Continental Congress

What actions revealed that the 1st Continental Congress was preparing for war?

The declaration of independence.....that's all I can think of

Which group oversaw the writing and adoption of the declaration od independence on July 4 1776?

Second Continental Congress

What was the reaction of the colonists to the adoption of the declaration of independence of congress?

It gave some courage and determination but made others unhappy.

What group oversaw the writing and adoption of the declaration of independence on july 4 1776?

The Declaration of Independence was drafted by the Committee of Five of the Continental Congress. The Committee of Five was John Adams, Roger Sherman, Robert Livingston, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

The Second Continental Congress is responsible for the writing and the adoption of the Declaration of Independence?

The Second Continental Congress adopted the U.S. Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. It met from May 1775 to March 1781 and served as the de facto national government of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War.

What is the date of the adoption of the declaration of independence?

Forth Of July or 4/7

The main idea of the section headed The Effects of the Declaration of Independence is that?

the adoption of the Declaration of Independence sparked bitter disunity among the colonists.

What is Texas independence day?

Texas Independence Day is a celebration of the adoption of the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1836.

What was the main task of the second contineltal congress?

The second continental congress was responsible for managing the revolutionary war effort by directing the army, appointing delegates, signing treaties and agreements culminating in the adoption of the declaration of independence on July 4th, 1776.

what is the meaning of Independence Day?

In the United States, a holiday, the 4th of July, commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on that day in 1776.

What is Independence day?

Independence Day is an American holiday celebrated every year on July 4th. Usually it is celebrated with a cookout and fireworks. The purpose of the day is to honor the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.