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Which leader halted the muslim invasion of Western Europe at he battle of tours

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Q: What was the name for a community of christian men who gave up all private possessions to serve god?
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What was a name of a community of christian men who gave up all private possessions to serve god?

Which leader halted the muslim invasion of Western Europe at he battle of tours

What was the name for a community of cristian men who gave up all private possessions to serve god?


Which community is it that people who serve others and pray together?

There are many communities where people who serve others pray together. They include Jewish, Christian, Islamic and Buddhist communities, among others.

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The castle of Good Hope was a military headquarters, it did not serve the community.

Where did St. Stephen live?

St. Stephen was one of the first Christian martyrs and is believed to have lived in Jerusalem. He is known for being one of the seven deacons appointed by the Apostles to serve the early Christian community.

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Can you serve the National Guard where you live?

50 states and it's possessions and territories are opportunities to serve in the Guard/Reserves; land or air. There's no Navy National Guard.

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The Community that they serve is there customers.

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By passing on his knowledge.

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they fight to serve our community

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California Casualty's motto is 'We serve those who serve our community'.

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Ozark Christian College's motto is 'Not to be served, but to serve.'.