The election of George W. Bush and Al Gore was the lowest margin of victory.
Because he won by a big margin, he was able to pass legislation.
Bush did beat Algore in 2000 US presidential elections with a very narraow victory in Florida even though Algore was ahead in totoal popular vote but Bush won more electoral vote thanks to his narrow margin (and controversal) victory in Florida.
The confidence interval radius determines the margin of error. If you want more information visit:
The 1964 presidential election was won by one Lyndon B. Johnson, who had taken over in the presidency when Kennedy was assassinated. Barry Goldwater was the other major candidate. He carried six states, and lost by quite a wide margin.
Eisenhower did not lose his re-election, he served two full terms. He actually had a record win with 58% popular vote and he won over 41 states.
The 2000 presidential election finally ended with the exact vote count in the state of Florida. The final margin of victory was extremely close, with George W. Bush winning the state by just 537 votes. This slim margin ultimately decided the outcome of the entire election.
In 1992 Al Unser Jr beat Scott Goodyear by .043 second
He won by a small number of votes
Theodore Roosevelt beat Alton Parker by a margin of 196 votes, 41.2% of all votes cast, in the U.S. presidential election of 1904.
In the 1828 US presidential election, Andrew Jackson's main opponent was the sitting President John Quincy Adams. He won by a wide margin.
1972? Richard Nixon won the presidential election in 1972 with a 23.2 percentage point margin.
george w. bush
Democratic-Republican Thomas Jefferson overwhelmingly defeated Federalist Charles Pinckney in the Presidential election of 1804. Jefferson carried 15 states with 162 electoral votes compared Pinckney's 2 states and 14 electoral votes. The only states that Jefferson lost in were Delaware and Connecticut.
1924 U. S. Presidential / Vice Presidential Election Results:382 votes (71.9%) - Calvin Coolidge / Charles G. Dawes136 votes (25.6%) - John W. Davis / Charles W. Bryan13 votes (2.4%) - Robert M. LaFollette / Burton K. Wheeler
Through Super Bowl XLII, the average margin of victory is 15 points. Margin of victory 1-7 points: 13 games Margin of victory 8-14 points: 9 games Margin of victory 15-21 points: 10 games Margin of victory 22-28 points: 4 games Margin of victory over 28 points: 6 games Smallest margin of victory: 1 point in Super Bowl XXV - New York Giants 20, Buffalo Bills 19 Largest margin of victory - 45 points in Super Bowl XXIV - San Francisco 49ers 55, Denver Broncos 10
If you are asking about the presidential election, Barack Obama won the presidency in 2008, defeating John McCain by a wide margin. Barack Obama was re-elected in 2012, defeating his challenger, Mitt Romney.