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Haiti, in 1804

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Q: What was the second American nation to gain independence?
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What was the second nation in the western hemisphere to gain independence from European powers?

Believe this my Caucasian brethren , the answer is Haiti!

What was the last nation in Southeast Asia to gain independence?

The last one to gain independence was Brunei.

Was haiti the first country to gain its independence?

Haiti was not the first country to gain its independence. It was however, the first independent nation in the Caribbean and Latin America, the first post-colonial, independent, black-led country in the world, the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion, and the second independent nation in all the Americas after the United States.

Why was haiti the first country to gain its independence?

Haiti was not the first country to gain its independence. It was however, the first independent nation in the Caribbean and Latin America, the first post-colonial, independent, black-led country in the world, the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion, and the second independent nation in all the Americas after the United States.

How did the Filipinos react at the end of the Spanish American war?

They were upset that they did not gain independence

What island nation did the guerrillas destroyed American owned sugar mills to gain support for independence?

Cuba or Hawaii i cant remember sorry

What island nation did the guerrillas destroyed American-owned sugar mills to gain support for independence?

Cuba or Hawaii i cant remember sorry

Who did the Colonies want to gain their independence from?

The American Colonies wanted to gain independence from Great Britain.

What country Latin American country was the first to gain independence?

haitiThe first Latin American country to gain its independence was Haiti.

How quit India movement help India to gain independence?

it combine the whole nation to get independence

What was the first Southeast Asian nation to gain complete independence?

The Philippines were the first to gain independence which occurred after WWII on July 4, 1946.

Goal of US during the Spanish - American War was to?

Gain independence for Cuba.