Theushabti (also called shabti or shawabti, with a number of variant spellings) funerary figurines were placed in tombs among the grave goods and were intended to act as substitutes for the deceased, should he/she be called upon to do manual labor in the afterlife.I'm not smart so i copied and pasted...I'm learning about ancient Egypt so I asked the same question.
Phone repair requires detailed knowledge of how phones work--
There is a delay due to an offset usually money owed for something. i have heard that sometimes it means nothing but a manual check of tax returnsThere's a delay in processing either due to taxes owed child support or unemployment tax.
The founding principles of America can be just if the country did not abolish slavery as it was established during a time when slavery was common practice. When the country was first established, many citizens owned slaves to take care of manual labor.
In Bush v. Gore, 531 US 98 (2000) George W. Bush was the petitioner; Al Gore was the respondent. The case involved manual ballot recounts in the State of Florida following the 2000 Presidential Election.
The Industrial Revolution.
Industrial Revolution - for sure.
Manual washing means washing by hand. Washing machines are not included in manual washing.
Circular is one type. There are manual and hand crank knitting machines.
It makes manual work easy.
read the manual. All machines are different.
Machines are designed to make work faster and easier. These machines do so by taking some of the manual work off of you.
Nicola Sabbatini
Manual labour (manual labor in American English) or manual work is physical work done by people, most especially in contrast to that done by machines.
manual information system is the work done by us not by any machines or technology for example if i want to find a meaning of a word and i will use a normal dictionary not an electronic one and do it my self would be called an manual information system
Go to your local autoparts store and pick up a repair manual called Haynes repair manual.
it depends on the quality and capacity of the michines