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They were called Loyalists.
They remained loyal during and after the Revolutionary War.

They were also called Tories, after a group of Irish robbers. The name is still applied to the British Conservative party.

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Q: What were American colonists who remained loyal to Great Britain called?
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Colonists who remained loyal to Britain were called Loyalists.

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What were Americans that remained loyal to Great Britain called?

They were called loyalists.

What were the people who sided with the British called?

Loyalists were American colonists who remained loyal to the Kingdom of Great Britain (and the British monarchy) during and after the American Revolutionary War.

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Unless I misunderstood the question-- there were more than 13 who remained faithful to Britain -- they were called Loyalists.

What were colonists loyal to the cause of American independence called?

We called them 'patriots'. The British called them 'rebels'.

What were the American colonists called who chose to remain loyal to great Britain called?

Loyalists. They were loyal to the king.

American who remained loyal to great Britain were called loyalists or what?

Loyalist. You answered your question in your question.

Who were the Americans who remained loyal to Britain?

During the American Revolution they were called loyalists, also Tories. During the American Revolution they were called loyalists, also Tories. vbvbvbvbv

What was the other name for the so-called Loyalists those British colonists who remained loyal to the British government during the American Revolution?


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What is a loalist?

During the American Revolutionary War, the people opposing the Patriots/Colonists were called Loyalists/Tories. They got this name because they remained loyal to the King.