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We called them 'patriots'. The British called them 'rebels'.

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The colonists who wanted to fight for independence from Britain were known as the Patriots.

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Q: What were colonists loyal to the cause of American independence called?
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What were the causes and consequences of the American Declaration of Independence of 1776?

The cause of the Declaration of Independence was the laws and taxes that Britain forced on the colonies. The declaration listed the complaints of the colonists, and declared independence from England. The result was the American War of Independence, in which America was victorious.

What were the causes and consequences of the American declaration of independence in 1776?

The cause of the Declaration of Independence was the laws and taxes that Britain forced on the colonies. The declaration listed the complaints of the colonists, and declared independence from England. The result was the American War of Independence, in which America was victorious.

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write the declaration of independence and separate from great Britain.

Why did the colonists want to achieve independence?

cause england be dissen them

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they could have been called loyalists im not sure

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Paine's persuade colonists to support independence in one way. This way was by the abuse of power of the British government.

Why was the war called the revolutionary war?

It wasn't just called that it was also called the American Revolution and the Independence War or switch around the War of Independence. it was called the Revolutionary War because we wouldn't be here today without the history behind us. the war was history and we revovled. not caveman or women revolve but nation wise.

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Fight the war.

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American colonists thought British taxes were unfair.

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After the battle of Saratoga, France joined with America in the fight against Britain. Spain joined the fight (on the American colonists' side) afterwards, hoping to gain independence from British rule.

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for independence

What did lord acton believed caused the french revolution?

he believed the american declaring independence was the cause.