British promoters of mercantilism believed their New World colonies were subservient and had a duty to serve their mother country by selling their goods directly to Britain. That is why the 13 colonies were founded on the Atlantic coast. Further west of the colonies were French-occupied territories and Florida was under Spanish rule at the time.
Virginia Company of London, also known as London Company, founded Virginia. This company was chartered by King James I of England.
James Oglethorpe
He doesn't have sole claim to Rhode Island... Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations was a merger of the Rhode Island Colony (on what is now known as Aquidneck Island) and the Providence Plantations colonies (located around present day Providence. Roger Williams founded the Providence Plantations colonies.
Nobles belonged to families descended from the first Aztec king. Nobles owned slaves and many were government officials.
It was founded in 1670 and it was found by 8 nobles with a royal charter from King Charles II!
Nobles were called patricians.
The Middle colonies, like Delaware, New York, and New Jersey, were founded as trade centers, while Pennsylvania was founded as a safe haven for Quakers. The Middle colonies were also called the “Breadbasket colonies” because of their fertile soil, ideal for farming.
Nobles - spanish
the last colony to founded in the southern colonies was Georgia
the reason why the thirteen colonies where founded because of trade reasons
New York, New Jersey, and Jamestown were three colonies that were founded for strictly economic reasons. Most colonies were founded for religious reasons.
why was the mid atlantic colonies founded
South Carolina was founded in 1663 by 8 nobles with a royal charter from Charles II
america then had founded the 13 colonies america was called the new world