According to the official Senate record, the Supreme Court confirmation votes (by appointment date):
Justice Kagan............................63-37............08/05/10...............Obama
Justice Sotomayor......................68-31............08/06/09...............Obama
Justice Alito..............................58-42.............01/31/06..............GW Bush
Chief Justice Roberts..................78-22.............09/29/05..............GW Bush
Justice Breyer............................87-9..............07/29/94...............Clinton
Justice Ginsburg........................96-3...............08/03/93..............Clinton
Justice Thomas.........................52-48.............10/15/91...............GHW Bush
Justice Kennedy.........................97-0...............02/03/88..............Reagan
Justice Scalia............................98-0...............09/17/86...............Reagan
The Senate has the power to try all impeachments, confirmation of appointments (i.e. Supreme Court Justices), and ratification of treaties.
the Senate
No. The Executive Branch appoints US Supreme Court justices with the approval of the Senate.
Justices on the Supreme Court of the United States are not elected. They are nominated by the president and confirmed by the US Senate.
True- such is how Supreme Court Justices are chosen.
The Senate has the power to try all impeachments, confirmation of appointments (i.e. Supreme Court Justices), and ratification of treaties.
The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).
The President checks the power of the Supreme Court by appointing Supreme Court justices and the Chief Justice (subject to Senate confirmation).
All federal judges are nominated by the president, subject to confirmation by the Senate.
Supreme Court justices are chosen by the president of the United States with the approval from the Senate.
Supreme Court justices in the United States are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The President typically selects a nominee based on their legal qualifications, ideology, and potential impact on the court. After nomination, the Senate Judiciary Committee holds confirmation hearings to evaluate the nominee's qualifications and vote on whether to recommend them to the full Senate. If confirmed by a majority vote in the Senate, the nominee becomes a Supreme Court justice.
Supreme court justices are appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate.
The Supreme Court Justices are appointed by The President & confirmed by The Senate.
they have to be appointed by the president and approved by the senate
Perhaps the confirmation of Supreme Court justices is most important. Of course, the Senate must pass on every law, and this is very important. Ratification of treaties can be very important and confirmation of cabinet officers can important at times.
the Senate
The Senate