They found new land that have valuable prices.
Each ship had a priest with them and he conducted prayers every morning, afterwards, evening, and at bedtime. He was to convert people they found. Also along was a pilot. A pilot was the person with the maps and he told the ships captain where to sail. He also had the astrolabe for navigation.
Jamestown was the first permanent English colony in the New World. It was founded in Virginia in 1607 by around 100 English colonists. The ships that they came across in were the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery.
Christopher Columbus reached North America in 1492 and came back to Spain to report his discovery and so alerted Europe to the New World and began a fury of voyages of exploration and the founding of settlements by Spain , Portugal, the Netherlands, France and England. Viking ships had reached North America before Columbus but this information was not known in Europe outside of Scandinavia.
Some southerners felt the ships would be used to protect the trade of New England, but do little for southern economies. Some members of Congress thought a navy would be a foolish challenge to the world's mightiest navy.
The names were Susan constants , Godspeed , and Discovery :-)
Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria
The names were (not where, which is an interrogative pronoun!) Santa Maria, Pinta, and Nina.
The original names of the ships were la Santa Clara, la Pinta, la Santa Maria/Gallega. The church changed the names to Nina, La Pinta, & Santa Maria.
ryno serga gaylo
On his first voyage to the new world in 1492, Columbus's ships were Nina (the second "n" has a ~ above it) the Pinta and the Santa Maria.
The three ships Christopher Colombus sailed on were Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
The Europeans explored the New World with ships.
Information on the newest cruise ships can be found in a few places. The best place is to check the company that has crafted the new ship for the information.
The Nina, The Pinta, The Sainta Maria
He and his crew went on three ships to get to the new world.
they sailed their on ships