They showed that war was just the killing of many people. It was not worth the problems and it should just be avoided.
fourteen points peace plan
The Fourteen Points was a plan in order to create a just and lasting peace, therefore, that was the goal of the Fourteen Points.
President Woodrow Wilson
January 8, 1918 was the date of Wilson's famous Fourteen Points Speech which outlined his plan for world peace.
The Fourteen Points were accepted by France and Italy on November 1, 1918. Britain accepted all of the points except for one and wanted to add that Germany make reparation payments for the war.
There were many youth peace advocates at one time. Therefore, it is hard to say who are the first 3 that started the movement because hundreds were in on it.
Leo Tolstoy, a Russian author and peace activist, wrote the bestselling antiwar novel "War and Peace," which is considered one of the greatest works of literature.
Bertha Von Suttner
Advocates of the Paris Peace Talk ultimately did not win out. While they began celebrating when Kissinger appeared to be backing down, talks of negotiations never came to fruition.
Fourteen peace points
There were tens of thousands in the peace movement and still are.
Movement of Society for Peace was created in 1990.
It was fourteen points on wilson's plam for peace
Witness a Peace Movement - 2009 was released on: USA: 2009
The Japanese realized they had to give up.
peace movement was like the civil war . Martin Luther king said '' do most good dijd