There is no right answer to this question. Its called open-ended for a reason. Seriously, you can write anything you want, so long as you can back it up.
I could ask Dolley Madison more than one question. The main question I like to ask her it, how do you like been a president's wife?
Maybe sit down and talk to her about getting some sort of therapy? Maybe you could suggest that you would like the two of you to get closer, and ask if she would come with you to something like that. Or, maybe see if there is some sort of low-key activities you could do that would lower her anxiety level?
cabinet member
Why would you want to know this? The only way to find out is to ask the carpet installation place.
how do you have the power to run a city, state, or nation
no but why would you ask what gave you the idea that there is any alive?
answer that by yourself, that's why u have a brain
id ask him to not sell out and continue kicking a$$
Help our Countrymen that the orient pearl will rise again.
Ask in 2012.
because, the three witches told his future and said that Macbeth would be king. But then King Duncan said that his son would be king Malcolm. So lady Macbeth and Macbeth deicide to kill him so he would become king.
If your brother is still alive, ask him. If your father is still alive ask him. If not, call any insurance companies, agents or agencies your family may have done business with in the past and ask them.
of corse he is alive you idiots otherwise it would have of said so on his biographys and on MTV news think before you ask stupid questions like dat man
Ask Google.
ask yamum then read the rest of the answer no
You ask silly questions ... if you're still alive.
No she is not dead she is still alive and well.