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Q: What are questions a political scientist would ask?
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What questions scientist ask?

scientist ask questions about what they are going to experiment. Those questions help form a hypothesis.

What question would you ask a political scientist?

You could ask, "What are the current political trends and challenges facing [specific country/region]?"

What do scientist do that is the basis for their investigations?

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What questions do a political scientist ask?

Political scientists may ask questions related to governance, power dynamics, public policy, political behavior, and the impact of institutions on society. Some common questions include: How do political processes influence decision-making? What factors shape voter behavior? How do political actors interact and negotiate within a system? What are the consequences of different forms of government?

What questions do scientist ask?

where does it come from or what it is like

What scientist do that is the basis for their investigations is?

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What scientist do that is the basis for their investigations?

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Why are scientist supposed to ask questions?

conors russian5545

In a study of the sun what questions might a pure scientist ask?

They will ask: "When will the sun explode?"

What are some good questions to ask a food scientist?

really? now i have to answer it? you guyz are dummies! >.<

What kind of questions would you ask on here?

I would ask questions that wouldn't give away personal information and questions that I think would be easy to answer.

What scientist do that is basis for their investigations...3 letter word then 9 letter word?

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