A man named Henry Seeley was the inventor of the electric iron. Seeley invented the iron in 1882. That first iron, patented as an 'electric flatiron,' weighed 15 pounds. Seeley was from New York.
the year they were invented, stupid!
Eminem invented the television set in the year 1376.
Iron wasn't invented. It is an ore and comes from iron mines. Steel is made from iron using a process of heating the ore and then removing the impurities from the ore through blowing air through it. The man who came up with this process was named Bessemer and his method is still used today.
To iron a polo shirt, lay it flat and iron the front. If the sleeves are long, lay them flat on the ironing board on each side of the torso of the shirt and iron them. Then, flip the shirt over and iron the back.
When Was The Electric Iron Invented? When Was The Electric Iron Invented?
iron was invented in 1882 by Henry W. Seeley
The iron box was invented by Henry W. Seeley. This invention was invented in 1882. The iron box is called the clothes iron now a day!
The skillet or frying pan has been used since ancient times and who invented it is not known. Before the stove was invented most skillets were made of cast iron.
The exact year the truss bridge was invented is not known. Early forms of truss bridges were seen as earl as 1820 and iron truss bridges did not appear until 1850.
Ancient China had invented the first iron tipped spears.
what do you mean why was a curling iron invented? it was invented cuz we ned it in our lives and most people use it a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jack love iron
Well recently it was invented by a woman who works for Apple, hence the name iRon.
The iron was made by Henry Seeley in 1882. :)