Iron wasn't invented. It is an ore and comes from iron mines. Steel is made from iron using a process of heating the ore and then removing the impurities from the ore through blowing air through it. The man who came up with this process was named Bessemer and his method is still used today.
It is uncertain who found iron first, in pure form, from meteors. In this state, it was worth several times the same amount of gold, being stronger than bronze, the best metal readily available at the time. However, The Hittite Civilization in the Middle East first descovered iron smelting, by which impure ore could be made into useable iron.
Iron was first produced in china in 5th century BC. Iron ore is used to make steel which is used in construction.
Iron was proudly obtained by the Irish around the year 600 - 700BC.
The hittites were the first major iron producers.
in the fourth millieum, people in the middle east was first to discover iron and produce it. These people were called phoenicians
The Chinese, in the form of lodestone. The made simple compasses with it, as well as most of what they had been making out of bronze.
No one knows exactly when iron was first discovered, but archeologists have discovered early tools made of iron in Egypt from as far back as 3000 BCE, suggesting that iron was discovered at least 5000 years ago.
Iron was used first in the 2-3 millennia before J.C. , probably in Mesopotamia or in the Greece/Cyprus area.
The earliest known cast iron products date back to the 5th century BC and were discovered in China. The ancient Chinese used cast iron in agriculture, warfare and their architecture.
People work as slave by do work as a white person.
Land brigde answers C. Start doing your own KEystone work.
James Madison had the belief that by instilling a democratic form of government in the United States that the farmers and business owners would learn to work together for the best interests of the country. Many people believe that the US government does work as Madison claimed it would.
The advances that Chaldeans made were calendars and solving complex problems of geometry
Civil rights activists Social heroes Good people doing God's work.
They knew they were the first to learn how to work iron and kept it secret.
They learned how to work with iron and used iron tools to farm the land along the niger river
They learned how to work with iron and used iron tools to farm the land along the Niger river
learn a job and its duties.
Blacksmiths are people who work iron. Until recently, the working of iron was primarily a male occupation.
Kassite Dynasty Babylonians.
First of all you have to learn how to spell.
People don't learn how to work with people of differing abilities
This is a fallacy of people who align physical labor with the concept of work. The people who do the most work make the most money. Possible exception: People who inherit or win money. They can do little to almost no work and make money by paying others to make them money. However, if they do not pay attention to the people they hire they are at risk of losing everything. So, these people learn to monitor and supervise the people they hire. See first sentence.
A blacksmith was a person that worked with iron. Some people did work of a more precise nature, such as locksmiths. A gunsmith worked with iron, but also with brass and wood, and his work was of a more precise nature.
we can learn that if u keep believing u can achieve and also if u work hard enough
mostly they would have been farmers ,but some people would be called upon to fight for their master.