Congress creates various Committees composed of a number of Representatives for bills in the House and Senators for bills in the Senate. These small committees usually see the bill first. They review it and make recommendations on whather it should be changed in any way or voted on just the way it is.
All laws that deal with money must originate from Congress. This is the group responsible for raising money for the federal government mainly through taxes.
Meeting with representatives
bur gouse of burgusses
House of Representatives
A group of Quakers formed it
house of representatives
The committees of correspondence was a group of representatives from each of the thirteen colonies that was created to help the colonies keep in contact. from each meeting they would let the people of their colony know what was going on.
elected representatives
He separated into two group, with one going through Columbia and the other through Charleston.
The Great Compromise, also called the Connecticut Compromise, set up the U.S. Congress into 2 ruling groups (also called "bicameral legislature"). The first group is the House of Representatives, where the states with the largest populations get more representatives than states with small populations. The second group is called the Senate, where every state, regardless of its population, elects 2 representatives each. Together, the House of Representatives and the Senate are called the Congress.