Lincoln, the capital of the state of Nebraska, was named for President Lincoln.When Nebraska became a state on March 1, 1867, its capital of Lancaster was renamed in honor of the late President Abraham Lincoln.
Jefferson City MO, Lincoln NE, Madison WI, Jackson MS
Jackson Mississippi Lincoln Nebraska Madison Wisconsin Jefferson City Missouri
James Madison
Madison was originally a family name, including the family name of U.S. President James Madison. It became a popular first name for girls in the United States after the movie "Splash" was released in 1984; the mermaid in the movie takes the name Madison after seeing the Madison Avenue street sign.
Madison is the capital of Wisconsin.
Madison is the capital of Wisconsin.
Madison is the capital city in Wisconsin.
Madison is the capital of Wisconsin.
What state has the capital of "Madison" please answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!It's Wisconsin
The first capital was in Belmont Wisconsin.
no, Madison is a different city,Madison is the capital of Wisconsin
Madison is the capital of Wisconsin.
Yes, Madison is the capital of Wisconsin.
Madison is the capital city in Wisconsin.
The Capital of Nebraska in Lincoln and the Capital of Wisconsin is Madison.
Madison is the capital of Wisconsin.