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Civil Rights became a part of the U.S. Constitution in 1868 when the 14th amendment was adopted. The 14th amendment grantees each citizen "equal protection of the laws".

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Q: When did civil rights become part of the US Constitution?
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Civil liberties are guaranteed by which part of the Constitution?

Bill of Rights

What part of the constitution promises protection of the civil rights citizens?

All of the Bill of Rights

What part of the constitution promised protection of the civil rights of citizens?

All of the Bill of Rights

Which part of the Constitution were civil rights originally protected?

Fifth Amendment

Where can civil liberties be found?

They can be found in the Bill of Rights, specifically. The Bill of Rights is part of the Constitution, but it is the Bill of Rights where civil liberties are addressed.

Bill of rights become apart of the constitution?

yes it did.... it became a part of the constitution

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The charter rights and freedom become part of your constitution in 1982. Prime Minister Trudeau signed off on the charter constitution with the queen there and without the approval of Quebec.

In which part pf the constitution were civil rights originally protected?

Fifth Amendment

What part of the constitution promises protection of civil right of citizens?

All of the Bill of Rights

When did the Bill or Rights become a part of the constitution?

December 15, 1791

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How did bill of rights become part of the constitution?

3/4 of a state had to ratify.