Sherman takes Atlanta on September 2nd, 1864. He then started his march to the sea, which took him until December of that same year.
Union General made Atlanta his southern headquarters for a month after he took control of the city. Upon his orders to advance well into Georgia, he burned down much of Atlanta. Catholic priests begged Sherman not to burn down orphan homes and hospitals and Sherman agreed to that.
The capture of Atlanta by General Sherman in 1864 helped the candidacy of President Abraham Lincoln. He would be reelected as president that year.
It was one of the Union victories that came just in time to revive Northern morale and save Lincoln from being voted out of office. Ironically, the capture of Atlanta was no part of Grant's strategy. It actually reflected Sherman's failure to destroy the Army of Tennessee. It was really a gesture that would make big headlines in the North.
Sherman started his "March to the Sea" from Atlanta at down of November 16,1864, after destroying all infrastructures of military interest standing in the city, whose civilian quarters were also involved by fire and blasts, which caused most of them of being razed to the ground.
Roger Sherman was a patriot.
The main city captured by Sherman was Atlanta.
I think Sherman burned most of the buildings in the city.So i don't think there is only such a specific area in Atlanta.
Sherman was the union general in Atlanta.
It was simply the Battle of Atlanta. Afterwards, Sherman started planning his March to the Sea, ending at Savannah.
William T. Sherman
Sherman's march started in Atlanta in November of 1864
William T. Sherman.
At Atlanta, GA.
Atlanta to Savannah.