when each house of congress passes a different version of a bill and those difference must be resolved (novatnet/gradpoint) I hated going through all that time trying to finish the freaking modules, you're welcome brahhh
A bill will go to a conference committee when both the Senate and the House disagree on the contents of the bill. A conference committee will then be created to resolve the issue.
skkslsslckvndjd duhufheuieuieyudksdhwjdsdhuefheifhugyfiejufehufwedjie
to a conference commitee to the floor of the senate
A conference committee is a committee of the United States Congress appointed by the House of Representatives and Senate to resolve disagreements on a particular bill
A bill will go to a conference committee when both the Senate and the House disagree on the contents of the bill. A conference committee will then be created to resolve the issue.
to a conference committee
A conference committee!
skkslsslckvndjd duhufheuieuieyudksdhwjdsdhuefheifhugyfiejufehufwedjie
A conference committee
the committee passes the bill to a conference committee
conference committee
The conference committee
The conference committee
a compromised version of the bill.
to a conference commitee to the floor of the senate
A Conference Committee