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concentrate powers.

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Q: When drafting the constitution the framers were careful to create a government that did not?
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Why were the framers of the constitution careful to limit the power of the federal government?

Because this is supposed to be a representative republic, not a centrally controlled government.

What evidence is contained in the constitution to indicate the framers were distrustful of democracy?

Careful wording and wanting less power for government

What did the framers proposal center around?

The framers of the constitution feared that the lack of government would have the potential to cause anarchy. The framers proposal centered around a constitution that had more government control.

Can you please say Framers in a sentence?

"The framers of the constitution envisioned a republican from of government."

What was the Name of the form of government the framers of the American constitution agreed to create?

The form of government the framers of the Constitution agreed to create republic

The framers of the Constitution anticipated that the Senate would be?

The framers of the Constitution anticipated that the Senate would be an equal arm of the government. The House of Representatives is a representational arm of government.

What was the primary goal of the Constitution's framers?

to create an effective government

What type of people were the framers of the constitution?

The framers of the US Constitution were very educated and knowledgeable individuals. They included entrepreneurs, lawyers, and inventors. Many of the framers went on to hold seats within the government that they started.

What was the enlightenment movement and how did it influence the framers of the constitution?

The framers of the constitution had read many works of philosophers whose ideas they borrowed in drafting what is today the constitution of the Unite States of America. Some of these Philosophers included Rousseau, Locke and Montesquieu, and they held that a legitimate government had to look into the best interests of the people.

Who were the framers of the Constitution.?

The framers of the United States Constitution were the delegates who were sent to the Constitutional Convention and took part in the drafting of the document. Notable delegates included Benjiman Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Robert Morris, and John Hancock.

Why did the framers of the constitution develop a structure of government with three branches?

The framers of the Constitution developed a structure of government with ranches so that no one could hold absolute power. There is a system of checks and balances in place.

How did the Framers of the Constitution ensure the power of government would be limited?

The framers of the U.S. Constitution advocated that the power of government would be limited. They ensured this by providing: