They are supported by the electorate and the Congress.
What makes a strong government?
George Washington was a great leader in the Revolutionary War and as the First President. He made the U.S.A a strong nation and paved the way for many Presidents. I hope this answers your question.
He was a hero of the Revolutionary Texans, a shrewd and popular politician and a recognized Founding Father with proven abilities and strong contacts with the United States.
strong popular support
strong popular support
Morale was high, they had strong public support and the support of Congress and the President.
Even the wisest president with the most carefully planned program, will face opposition. If he is not strong, he will hesitate, waffle and back down before anything gets done. However, he can not just be strong, he must be politic; he must be able to convince opposition that he is right. He must able and willing to make small compromises in order to get his main program passed. How much a strong president is needed varies. A strong president is especially needed if the nation faces problems that only the government can solve, such as war or runaway inflation. A weak or ineffective president can enhance the need for a strong one.
No. He gave strong support to saving natural resources.
They are supported by the electorate and the Congress.
It was strong across the nation, largely, but not entirely, because of its support and enforcement of National Prohibition.
Any controversial issue is likely to get "strong" support - say 45% to 55%. Congressmen are supposed to be a little more thoughtful, better informed and a little wiser than the great masses. Presidents are often politicians and propose what they think will attract the most votes, not necessarily what is best for the country. Congress tends to favor what is popular where the live and some issues are more popular with certain areas or segments of the population.
enabled a candidate to demonstrate popular support, but did not ensure nomination
A strong belief in one's country is known as patriotism. It involves love, pride, and loyalty towards one's nation, often accompanied by a desire to support and defend its interests.