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If the name already ends in an "s", then use "s'" Or example: "The Jones' new house is cool" "The McCain's new house is not cool" If the name already ends in an "s", then use "s'" Or example: "The Jones' new house is cool" "The McCain's new house is not cool"

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you add a " 's "when something or someone belongs to that person or thing example - belonging to a thing - the dog's bone - the dog's owner another example - belonging to a person - Susan's daughter - Mary's house. you add a " s " when there more then one thing or person example - three dogs or ten cats. persons is not really a word so its better to say people or people

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Q: When to use s' or 's for a person's last name?
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Continue Learning about American Government

What president of the US last name starts with the letter S?

There have been no U.S. Presidents whose last name started with S.

Is there a U.S. president who last or first name starts with 'S'?

Stephen Grover Cleveland, known to us as Grover Cleveland, 22nd and 24th President of United States, is the only U.S. President with a first or last name starting with the letter 'S'. He was named Stephen Grover in honor of a local pastor, but he did not use the name Stephen as an adult. Two U.S. Presidents had middle names starting with 'S', although in both cases 'S' was the name! * President Ulysses S. Grant's birth name was Hiram Ulysses Grant, so although later--by mistake, it turns out--he was known as Ulysses S. Grant, the 'S' stood for nothing. * President Harry S. Truman is actually Harry S Truman, because has parents gave him the middle name "S" in honor of two grandfathers with different 'S' names. Nevertheless, when Harry Truman signed his name, he generally did use a period after the middle-name "S".

Where did the last name Stevenson come from?

It originated in Scotland in the 1380's.

Why is Indiana called the hoosier state?

The use of the word â??Hoosierâ?? became widely popular in the 19th century. By 1848, Bartlettâ??s Dictionary was calling it "a name for personâ??s from Indiana". There is no one definition and meanings range from derogatory, describing rough, tumble and somewhat uncouth persons to flattering, depicting hearty and courageous settlers.

Which president has the middle name s?

Harry S Truman.

Related questions

Can an apostrophe S go after the letter s in a persons last name?

Yes, you can use an apostrophe s to show possession even if the name ends in Z.

What is a Longfellow?

Longfellow is a persons last name. It is not super common but a famous US poet in the 1800's had this last name.

When a persons last name ends in z do you add 's or z' to show possession?

To show possession for a last name ending in "z," you still add an apostrophe and an "s" ('s). For example, for the last name "Gomez," you would write "Gomez's car" to show possession.

What is last name?

A person's family name is also called their last name. In English the last name is last in order. First name is one's given name, then the middle name is next, then the last name. In China I believe, this order is reversed. Yes, family name comes first in Korean, Japanese and Chinese cultures, with no comma between family name and first name(s) when written with the English alphabet.

Can you think of a famous persons name that begins with s?

Its Shakespeare.

What is a double letter monogram?

A monogram can have one letter or two letters or three letters, A one letter monogram has a single character of the alphabet, usually either the person's last name or first name. If your name is Sally Johnson, you can use either "S' or "J" for your single letter monogram. A double letter monogram for Sally Johnson would be "S J" A three letter monogram uses the person's middle name. If Sally Johnson's middle name is Angie, the three letter monogram for her would be " S A J". Some monograms have the persons last name in a larger size font than their first and middle name. In this case the last name goes in the middle, like this: "s J a"

What if a last name ends in a y and you want to make it plural?

To make a last name that ends in "y" plural, you typically change the "y" to "ies" and add an apostrophe "s." For example, if the last name is Murphy, the plural form would be Murphies'.

Do you use an apostrophe after a last name ending is s?

When showing possession for a last name ending in "s," the use of an apostrophe depends on the style guide you follow. Both "Jones'" and "Jones's" are considered correct. However, it is more common in modern usage to simply add an apostrophe after the "s" (Jones').

Make a last name that ends in S possessive?

To make a last name ending in S possessive, add an apostrophe after the S. For example, "Jones'" is the possessive form of the last name Jones.

Do you add s or 's to a last name?

Typically, to show possession with a last name, you would add an apostrophe and an s ('s). For example, "Smith's car" indicates that the car belongs to someone with the last name Smith.

When a persons last name does not end in s do you add 's or s' to show possession?

When the name does not end in s, one should use 's. eg) Mr Smith's pen. This is the same as any apostrophe of posession, eg) the cat's whiskers. When the name does end in an s, the rule is exactly the same. eg) Mr. Jones's pen. James's watch. You never add s' to show possession. If the word is a plural formed with an s, such as baskets or buffaloes, the possessive is indicated by adding an apostrophe alone eg) the baskets' handles, the buffaloes' horns.

What is TI 's last name?

TI's last name is Harris