The European Union is comprised of what was formally the European Coal and Steel Community (founded 1951). In 1993, the Maastricht Treaty created the European Union as we know it today.
They joined the EU in 2004 on the 1st of may. Since then they have been added to the list of EU countries.
France is one of the founder countries of the EU (former E.E.C.) alongside with Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Luxemburg and Germany in 1957.
Monkwearmouth was founded in 674, and Jarrow was founded in 682.
EU citizens have the same obligations that citizens of other regions have. They have to obey the laws of their country, and they have to report any unlawful activities in their communities.
nafta was founded in 1945
The Treaty of Brussels.
Joined? they co-founded :) And they taught us when in school. erm .. well.. that was a complex thingy. Anyway, they were there from the start in 1957, before it was even called the EU and it was called the European Economic Community
Nobody. What is now known as the European Union was not founded until 1957. The name European Union was not actually given to this organisation until 1992.
What is now called the EU, but originally known as the European Economic Community (EEC) was not founded until 1957. The original members were France, West Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Belgium. The answer to your question is therefore: None.
The EU was formed through many steps, so giving a definite answer in a broader sense is impossible. This process started in the late 50's, early 60's. The EU of today was formed in 1992. Look up the Treaties of the EU. It was also created to improve the relationships between the countries in the Europe.
They were the founding members of the European Coal and Steel Comittee, a forefather to the EU, which started 1951. What was known as the European Economic Community, later the EU, was founded in 1957. Belgium, Italy, Germany, France, The Netherlands and Luxembourg were the founding members.
No. free movement of labour across EU borders is a fundamental right in the EU.
I want - Eu queroI wish - Eu desejoI desire Eu desejo ( desire is also a noun)
'I love you' in Brazilian Portuguese is 'Eu te amo'.
I (am) Eu sou Me too ( Eu também)
No, Switzerland isn't in the EU.