George Danno was born on December 6, 1973, in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.
George Danno's birth name is George William Danno III.
George Danno is 5' 9".
Danno O'Mahony was born on 1912-09-09.
Jacqueline Danno was born on November 27, 1935, in Le Havre, Seine-Maritime, France.
Danno O'Mahony died on 1950-11-04.
Yoko Danno has written: 'Dusty mirror'
'Danno' was a play upon Danny Williams' name : Danny 'Danno' Williams .
Wendy Danno's birth name is Wendy Faith Mayer.
Danno is the name of the character -- "Book 'em" means to arrest and sentence them.
danno work it out!
danno no