around 1955...after Dienbienphu fell and a multinational conference was held in Geneva they decided to split Vietnam at the seventeenth parallel
The nation of North Vietnam (which no longer's called Vietnam today). The country that the US was allied to, South Vietnam, doesn't exist was consumed by North Vietnam. The official name of SOUTH Vietnam was the "Republic of South Vietnam."
show pictures of the Vietnam war
What was a major political consequence of the Vietnam War
He is a Vietnam Era Veteran.
Vietnam was divided in 1954 into North Vietnam and South Vietnam following the First Indochina War.
It forced French troops to leave Vietnam and divided Vietnam into two countries. (A)
In 1956, it divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel into North and South Vietnam. They remained that way until the South Vietnam government surrendered to North Vietnam forces in April, 1975.
From 1954 to 1975, Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel. In April, 1975, North Vietnam troops accepted the surrender of South Vietnam from its president, thereby unifying Vietnam into a single country.
it divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel
Vietnam was divided into two separate nations
After France's defeat, Vietnam was divided at 17 degrees north latitude. It was created at an international peace conference in Geneva.
It became a divided nation in 1954.
It's not divided today. It's one country.
Vietnam was divided into two separate nations
Vietnam was divided into two separate nations