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i have no idea but someone said there was seen principles of the constitution and im afraid to say that they are wrong there are only six!

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Q: When were the Six principles in which the US Constitution made?
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The US Constitution advance the principles of the Revolution. Many of the principles for which the Revolution was initiated were listed in the Constitution.

What sets out all laws and principles of the gov of the us?

The US Constitution.

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The Constitution is a document about laws and principles of government.

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The US Constitution and any federal laws or treaties passed in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.

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The first paragraph of the constitution is called the Preamble. The US Constitution preamble is the brief introduction of the purpose and principles of the constitution.

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In the US Constitution and all its amendments

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the judicial branch is your answer

Upon what six basic principles is the constitution built?

There are 6 basic units upon which the US Constitution was built. These units include popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, a checks and balances system, judicial review, and federalism.

How do the 7 Principles of the Constitution ensure the stability of your democracy in the US?

Obama is a socialist

What part of the constitution lists its six goals and states that the US are the authority for the constitution?

The Preamble

Why are protected rights and representative government important principles?

Both became important parts of the US Constitution

What are the remaining basic principles upon which the constitution is built?

There were six basic principles that the constitution was built on. Popular sovereignty, limited government, checks and balances, separation of powers, judicial review, and federalism were the principles used.