John Walker, an English chemist, invented the first friction match in 1826. The match is ignited by striking the combustible end against a rough surface.
The first blankets were most likely made of animal skins.
it established the first national government of the united states. Its also like the Constitution, but it was the first "Constitution" made. It is in the Constitution. It was made during the civil war to be the first rules.
The flute was made about 3000 years ago, But the first one was made in the 1830sdone by cklein
Kapil Dev.
Charles bannerman have scored the first century in cricket test matches.
John Walker, an English chemist, is credited with inventing the first friction matches in 1826. They were made by coating wooden splints with a mixture of potassium chlorate, sulfur, sugar, and gum.
they made matches out of poisonous phosphorus which infected their jaw and made the person disfigured for life.
Sir Mon. dadman
18 matches were played in the first FIFA World cup held in 1930.
Sulfur, as a native mineral, or from the mineral pyrite, is used in the manufacture of matches.
Sachin has made 16,903 runs from 430 ODI matches (as on March 31st 09)
Bangladesh won two matches in their first world cup.They won matches against Scotland and Pakistan.
If you are referring to the University of Alabama football matches, the matches begin again on Saturday 17th August. The first match is against Clemson.
Sachain Tandolker made the fastest 10000 run in ODI in least matches.