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A ball in Paris in 1739, according to this site

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Q: When were the first separate toilets for men and women?
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How Declaration of Sentiments similar to Declaration of Independence?

During the late 1700's America was upset with the whole British tyranny and wanted to separate from Great Britain. In order to separate the two groups Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence, 200 years later women faced the same injustice but it was from men and how unfair the men treated the women.

One of the first steps to women getting the right to vote in the US was a women's rights convention held in in 1848?

The first Women's Rights Convention was held on July 19 and 20, 1848, at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, New York. Three hundred men and women attended the convention. As the convention drew to a close, 68 women and 32 men signed the Declaration of Sentiments, the first step in attaining the civil, social, political, and religious rights of women.

Why was there resistance at first to women working in war plants?

There were several reasons. Women were considered not to have the stamina to work long hours (outside of the home, that is). Women, as a whole, supposedly would not have the minds able to understand something so unfeminine. It was thought that women would take the jobs from men who needed them, and that families would suffer greatly with the women not home. Men did not want to supervisor or work with women.

What are the Characteristics of the ANZACS?

they are hard fighters and loyal patriotic men and women they are hard fighters and loyal patriotic men and women

What famous document started that all men and women are created equal and have certain rights?

Those are the first words of the Declaration of Independence.

Related questions

What religions separate men from women?

Judaism and Islam separate men from women in ritual worship but not in the workplace.

How do women go to the bathroom in a men's bathroom?

Women can sit on the toilets in a mens' bathroom the same as they do in a womens' bathroom.

Who was the first latin women to play soccer in a mens team?

Football isn't a mixed sport. Women's and men's teams are separate.

Does Judaism have separate chairs for men and women?

Only the Orthodox denomination separates the men and women, and then it's only done during prayer services. All other denominations do not separate men and women.

Did all ancient roman women use the public baths?

No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.No, they had separate hours for women and men. The women usually had the mornings and the men the afternoons.

Did they separate the men and women on the Trail of Tears?


Could women in ancient times go to the Colosseum?

Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)Yes, women were allowed in the Colosseum. However they had separate seating from the men, the same as at the theater. (The only place where women and men could sit together was at the chariot races.)

Can men and women compete together in the olympic diving competitions?

No, men and women compete in separate events.

Do men and women in the military have separate living quarters?


Why did men and women sleep in separate beds?

For birth control.

What is the standard sign to indicate toilets for men?

The standard sign indicating a washroom is for men is a man standing. The standard sign for a women's washroom is a woman wearing a dress standing. Family or unisex washrooms are represented with both the symbol for men and women.

Do both men and women participate in curling?

yes, in separate events